about The 80’s Newly LicensedMix Tape • PoetryThe 80’s Newly LicensedTravis Hoyles"We'd drive all day in dad's Dodge Shadow, / dodging shadows that the road spat forth at dusk;"Ends in: 0 daysAdd NFT to Your Digital Library
about Girlie SoundsMix Tape • PoetryGirlie SoundsTravis Stephens"In our forever mix tape Melissa / shouts, Rhiannon croons and / even Bonnie growls a bit, the / velvet of their voices bourbon / straight."Ends in: 0 daysAdd NFT to Your Digital Library
about Lessons from HyruleMix Tape • NonfictionLessons from HyruleErika Gallion"Hyrule didn’t necessarily feel safe to me as a child. It was dangerous and sometimes scary. But it did feel like home, in the way that home sometimes felt like a puzzle to complete."Ends in: 0 daysVist Our Maketplace
about A Royal WeddingFlash • Mix TapeA Royal WeddingTerry Wijesuriya"She grumbled to herself but went anyway. The cool water felt good in the heat of the afternoon, and she put on a frock. She couldn’t reach around to tie the ribbons in a nice bow so she left them dangling until her mother would notice and scold her."Ends in: 0 daysAdd NFT to Your Digital Library
about The PoolMix Tape • PoetryThe PoolNaomi Dean"The pantheon of life guards keeps tabs, / Banana Boat haze drifting down to mingle / with band-aids & chlorine, mildew & promise."Ends in: 0 daysAdd NFT to Your Digital Library
about Going Through Owings MillsMix Tape • PoetryGoing Through Owings MillsNorma DaCrema"I’m trying to find the ravine around the bend, / the borrowed cars parked along the alfalfa / with all of us at sixteen making love by AM radio"Ends in: 0 daysAdd NFT to Your Digital Library
about Miss GuidanceMix Tape • PoetryMiss GuidanceNorma DaCrema"It's hard to breathe in here, / overwhelming warm like a Hallmark store, / heavy with mint and Miss Vance's Aviance."Ends in: 0 daysAdd NFT to Your Digital Library