Here’s to Many More, Mrs. Cottrell
I owe my
life to my
mother, but I
owe my career
to Mrs. Cottrell,
the self-proclaimed
wicked witch of
fourth-grade teachers.
I just learned
how to spell
my last name
and here she
comes staring me
down with her
wide red eyes
asking me why
my poem about
the Titanic sinking
didn’t rhyme and
I said I
couldn’t find anything
that rhymed with
“sunked” (and no
one corrected me
until high school)
and her chameleon
eyes whizzed around,
her tongue swishing
that I’ll never
see next year.
Well, it’s a
another night in
my apartment with
my wife and
our baby and
my two cats,
and I need
to wake up
early to go
teach college freshmen,
who wince at
the name “literature,”
the why of
poetry instead of
the how. See
you next year.
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