December 2024 will be our last issue, but previous publications will continue to be available for reading. Visit our archive to browse great art and writing

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The image depicts a farming town with a dirt road leading to white housing and barns like depicted in Cherl Dunesnil's poem Barn Dance that mentions an earthquake
Original artwork by Harrison West

From the Archives: Barn Dance

Cheryl Dumesnil
Featured • Poetry

From the archives: as we head into 2024, we are featuring some of our magazine’s earliest publications. This piece was originally published in issue number three.

Today’s caller takes the shape
of a child who emerged

from the fault line
after the earthquake

everyone knew would
come. Her cobweb

teeth, her leaded eyes—
she carries a lambskin

scroll we need to read
but we’re busy tallying

our damages, waiting
for the underwriter

while the hold music drones,
while the hold music drones.

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