Rowan Bartolomei
about From the Archives: Yellow TrainsFeatured • Flash
From the Archives: Yellow Trains
"He says he ordered a kid’s meal to be just like you, but you aren’t old enough to understand. It still doesn’t completely sink in because you know there’s not a need to understand, only wanting to bask in the gloriousness of reliving the event."
Featured • Flash
about The Mysterious TrampFiction
The Mysterious Tramp
"In a week, the whole village became acquainted with Ummed Ali. Kauser never felt him a burden. When the neighbors enquired of him, she simply said, 'It is perhaps God’s will that he should get his food and shelter here at our place.'"
about Moving NeighborhoodsNonfiction
Moving Neighborhoods
"My wife is fearless and, even though her Hungarian isn’t perfect, she will talk with anyone. I think it was this willingness which won her over to our neighbor who had initially seemed standoffish and confused as to why this American couple and their cat were in Hungary."
Our Bodies, Our Rights: Special Issue • Poetry
about The LifeguardFiction
The Lifeguard
"Her mother and grandmother raised their faces to the sun, and I wondered if they sensed peril as I did. Though I angled my chaise away from the three of them, they stayed in my periphery. That’s something Vivi would have done; she looked out for strangers."