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About Our WRRAP Issue: Our Bodies, Our Rights


NiftyLit is pleased to announce that we are working in conjunction with WRRAP (Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project) to create a special issue concerning bodily rights.

WRRAP is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization assisting women who are financially unable to pay for safe, legal abortions or emergency contraceptives. Learn more about WRRAP here.

NiftyLit is seeking free submissions across all genres (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, flash) for a special themed issue entitled “Our Bodies, Our Rights,” in which we hope to provide a safe and supportive platform to share stories pertaining to rights, reproduction, gender, and equality. We want our writing community to utilize this theme as a foundation for building connections and sharing experiences, while creating a meaningful platform for action with respect to women’s reproductive rights.  We understand that negative experiences and strong feelings may be a necessary part of telling these stories and we embrace that, with the understanding that we will not accept or tolerate hate speech, derogatory commentary, or insensitive terminology.  We are excited to hear your voices and share your experiences in a creative, collaborative, and caring environment.

For this special issue, WRRAP will receive 70% of net receipts from initial literary NFT sales of each piece published individually; authors will receive the remaining 30% of net receipts of initial sales. For the special issue published as a collection, WRRAP will receive 90% initial literary NFT sales. More details will be provided in our publishing agreements with authors accepted for publication.

Submissions are now closed for this special issue. It will be published in early fall 2022.

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