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What’s Discord? A Brief Introduction


Soon we’ll be adding actual web3 publishing highlighted news to this portion of our website, in the form of links to interesting articles, announcements, etc. But in the meantime we want to give a quick plug for the NiftyLit Discord, because we have a lot of writers ask us about it. 

Discord is essentially an instant messaging platform for social engagement within various communities, whether for video gaming, fashion, crypto, or in our case: writers, artists, and web3 and NFT enthusiasts who happen to love writing and art (in no particular order). 

In an effort to not reinvent the wheel here, the Discord Wikipedia has lots of comprehensive information on those wishing to get a bit more technical. And if you’re feeling really really technical, you can visit Discord’s very own Beginner’s Guide to Discord here and read on from there.

But if you’d rather not go down the technical rabbit holes, read on…

If you’re old enough to remember, think of Discord like an old, early internet chat room except way better and generally more friendly (e.g., we created rules in our own Discord to flag disrespectful or inappropriate behavior and to ensure kindness is paramount). And if you’re not old enough to remember the early internet chat room days, you should just be grateful you weren’t around for the experience. The reasons it’s “way better” are too many to count, but a big one is that communities like NiftyLit’s can have its own server running on Discord, and can set up channels where community members can talk about a variety of topics. 

Our own Discord can be accessed by clicking here. If you’ve never created an account before, you’ll have to sign up first, and if you’re so inclined you can download the apps for both mobile and desktop use. We’ve set up a variety of channels on Discord, from “am writing,” where writers can share works in progress and discuss the writing process, to “new to crypto” where we post helpful resources for community members who are new to the crypto/ web3 world. (There is also a channel guide that lists which channels are available on our Discord). As we are such a small team, we often rely on community members to share their own resources, articles, etc. 

Our entire staff and a number of our published writers and artists are on our Discord. So if you’d like to chat with any of the writers who have previously published with us, it’s a good spot to do so.

We’d love to see you there! When you join, remember to stop by the introductions channel and give us a brief “Hi!,” “Hello!,” “How’s it Going?,” or whatever happens to be your preferred greeting. We can’t wait to meet you!

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